European Union Flag


An advanced platform to improve the
EURopean Multi Authority bordeR Security efficiency and cooperation.


Ground-breaking enhancements of sensor capabilities to detect critical objects of interest.


A flexible platform with verified easy-to-integrate potential for next generation platforms and systems.


For adopting advanced data fusion
and AI-based analytics in maritime operations.

Decision-making tool

Delivery of advanced decision-making support tool and enhanced user interface under a cyber secure platform.

Market Entry

Creation of efficient pathways to rapid market entry.


Improve border authority surveillance capabilities by enhancing critical quality characteristics of aerial and ground-based sensor platforms

Enhance the security and risk assessment performance of border surveillance solutions

Absorb known and new end-user needs into multi-tasking system design/development for addressing demanding multi-authority missions at maritime and coastal border environments

Benchmark platform performance and ensure acceptability by all stakeholders

Implement measures toward rapid take up of the EURMARS platform at the end of the project